As a Catholic school, we recognize that there is no greater opportunity for parent-directed religious education than being together as a family at Mass. Mandatory Family Masses are held monthly during the school year. We encourage parents as the primary religious educators to consistently follow through on this serious obligation.
Students at St. Michael’s receive a Catholic education that includes religion classes along with a variety of faith-building activities. These include Mass, Gospel Monday, daily prayer, Family Mass, and days of obligation. Additionally, we have religious traditions and activities that celebrate the Catholic faith including: the Living Rosary, Posadas, Christmas activities, May Crowning, Holy Week activities and retreats.
While we are a Catholic school, families of all faiths are welcome at our school.
Students in second grade participate in the Sacramental Preparation Program and are prepared to receive the sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist. Any student above the second grade in need of sacramental preparation can attend instruction classes offered by the Parish Religious Education or school in addition to their regular religion curriculum.
The sacrament of Confirmation, in accord with Archdiocesan policy, is reserved for reception by students who have undergone a two-year preparation program while in the ninth and tenth grades.